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Orleans Little League


Players are eligible to play for Orleans Little League (OLLB) if they live within OLLB's boundaries

OLLB Boundaries are described as follows

1. The North boundary is formed by the Ottawa River.
2. Starting in the Northwest corner, the boundary is further described, in a counter-clockwise direction, as:

a. From the convergence of Green’s Creek and the Ottawa River, south along the Creek to the intersection with Highway 417;
b. then South along Highway 417 to Exit 96 (Boundary Road);
c. then from Exit 96, Northeast on a direct line to the intersection of Russell and Milton Roads;
d. then Northeast on Regional Road 26 (Russell Road) to the intersection with Canaan Road;
e. then Northwest on Canaan Road (including a straight-line extension section in the middle) to the intersection with Regional Road 174 (Montreal Road); and
f. then Northwest along a straight line extension of Canaan Road to the Ottawa River.

3. Boundaries defined by roads should be interpreted such that OLLB membership eligibility includes families resident on both sides of the road, to avoid the unnecessary separation of players who are neighbours and friends.

Still not sure if you are in OLLB Boundaries.  You can visit where you can enter your address and the League Finder will tell you which boundary you are in

Below is a graphical representation of Orleans Little League's boundaries as described above


OLLB Monthly Newsletter (December) / Bulletin Mensuel De OLLB (Décembre) - Orleans Little League


Winter Ball Registration is now Open!


OLLB Monthly Newsletter (September) / Bulletin Mensuel De OLLB (Septembre) - Orleans Little League


Used baseball equipment drop-off / Collecte d'équipements de baseball usagés
