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Orleans Little League

Convenors Needed: Rally Cap, Minor and All-Girls


Orleans Little League is in need of volunteers to fill the role of convenor at various levels


The Convenor is an Officer of the Corporation who is appointed to the position by a vote of the Board of Directors. The Convenor reports to the Vice-President—Baseball Operations.

This Job Description (with adjustments where obvious) is applicable to the Convenors of the following Divisions: Tee Ball; Coach Pitch; Minor; Major; Junior; and Senior.

OLLB Convenor’s are responsible for coordinating the activities of the relevant age group. The position assists in scheduling and creating sort-out plans for our spring season, helps in forming the teams for our spring, summer and fall programs and is responsible for oversight and coordination of games in your division (ie. rescheduling games if a game is cancelled).

In addition, you will attend Board of Directors meetings. These meetings are held more frequently (approximately every 2 weeks) leading up to the season and during the playing season, and are held monthly during the off season.

The estimated time commitment is approximately 5 hours a week during the playing season, with additional hours required during different points of the season (start up, etc) and minimal hours during the off season.

For more information contact

Spring Baseball registration is now open.


OLLB Monthly Newsletter (December) / Bulletin Mensuel De OLLB (Décembre) - Orleans Little League


Winter Ball Registration is now Open!


OLLB Monthly Newsletter (September) / Bulletin Mensuel De OLLB (Septembre) - Orleans Little League
